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Pets and Giggles

Grand Country Music Hall • 1945 West 76 Country Blvd. • Branson, MO 65616
Pets and Giggles
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Open Everyday
9am-8pm (Central Time)

This show is an interactive and engaging journey of age-appropriate skits and competitive games to tickle the funny bone, sharpen the mind and stimulate the imagination. Members of the audience become the stars of the show as they take part in unscripted, unexpected, and hilarious unplanned adventures. You will be astounded by our cast of canines who show off their speed, agility, teamwork and trust. Your whole gang will enjoy this massive celebration of music, laughs and furry friends!

“...plenty of full on laughs and tears of enjoyment from the kids AND parents” Steve Enders Pets & Giggles is performed daily at 10:00 a.m., only at Grand Country Music Hall!

Feb 12
Feb 13
Feb 14
Feb 15
Feb 16
Feb 17
Feb 18
Ticket options will be available after selecting your date & time.
Customer Reviews
15 reviews
Cool performances
Posted by Ricky Diaz on Oct 31, 2022
As a new person in dog show, (I think this is showmanship) This is really cool and refreshing! I'm loving every bit of it.
Well-Trained Pets
Posted by Lexie Verdera on Aug 12, 2022
The animals were well trained, and the show was enjoyable. Dogs, parrots, and cats performed! Yes, cats!. It was a good show for children, but my daughter and I enjoyed it as well.
The Pets of wonders!
Posted by Sienna Logan on Jul 21, 2022
I know all the adorable furry babies are professionals, but you gotta love it when the dogs just go "doggish" for a minute, like the small dog did by shaking his fur and giving a good stretch after his handler smoothed it all out. As a pet lover, I must admit that I thoroughly loved the "aaawww" moment too! Extremely strongly recommended, particularly for kids!
Peculiar Cats
Posted by Kylie Perez on Jun 29, 2022
Bravo!! I'm so extremely impressed! Particularly near the end. Jumping that far into their arms shows how much you trust them. Every cat owner understands how significant this is because it's challenging to even get their cat to come to you when you call their name, let alone to do an entire routine on demand while in a strange or noisy environment! A truly enjoyable evening with peculiar pets!
Lovely pets
Posted by Merry Rivera on Jun 27, 2022
What a beautiful array of dogs. Actually each pet was magnificent , everyone's really impressive. All are awesome and beautifully trained.
Amazing Birds
Posted by Erica Feriga on May 29, 2022
Great time! The animals were great. My grandchildren loved every part of the show. I can't wait to go again. The birds were so beautiful, and flying over the audience was great.
Lovely performance
Posted by Lucy Torres on May 22, 2022
I know all these beautiful furbabies are professionals, but you gotta love when the dogs just act "doggish" for a minute, shaking his fur, of course after his handler smooth it all out, giving a good stretch. The audience really enjoyed the "aww" moments tho.
Posted by Jasmine Young on Apr 2, 2022
I love how the public gets excited when the dogs run. It makes me feel thrilled also, they really weren't kidding about the AMAZINGpets !!
Wonder PETS!
Posted by Raspberry Riley on Feb 22, 2022
The animals do a wonderful job. I really enjoyed this. People keep complaining about animal cruelty, but honestly, they probably have a much better life than most of you believe, and at least they aren't in a shelter. They are all rescues. You can tell the trainer enjoys them and works really hard with them. This show really shows how animals are so smart and can do so many cool things if you work with them. Apple Jack is amazing! Definitely recommend this show!
Show as a lesson
Posted by Elijah Kehlani on Feb 20, 2022
I wanted to say thank you to the production crew for the fantastic show. About a month and a half after I first started teaching her, my cat can follow my fingers, sit, fist bump, and leap through an arm hoop all in sequence for a single treat. Her videos become viral every time I publish them in Twitter. Since she isn't a really cuddly cat, this has been a huge opportunity for us to bond that we didn't even realize was possible. Thank you so much!! Must recommend to watch especially for pet lovers and your kiddos.
Amusing Animals
Posted by Shiela Kalish on Feb 15, 2022
This is the second time I've seen this show, and it's very, very amusing and enjoyable. The dogs and cats are adorable and amazing, and the emcee keeps the show moving along very nicely when the pets and trainers are backstage preparing for more acts. This is one of the best shows in Branson for young children, all of whom seem to absolutely love it. Nonetheless, it's still a fun show for adults as well, and the stuff the animals do will make you laugh no matter what your age. The part where the kids get to go up on stage is as much fun as the animals.
Very Impressive!
Posted by Breanna Hampton on Feb 14, 2022
The kids really enjoyed the show. I loved that they were invited to participate so often. The presenter really made the show. He kept everyone entertained while the stage was being set up for the next act. Good, clean family fun. People who own cats understand how difficult some of the tricks would be for their own cats. Impressive!
Amazing Pets
Posted by Bobby Ember on Feb 7, 2022
Fantastic performance! Just kept thinking about how intelligent, trusting, and confident these adorable creatures are—especially considering that we all know they can be quite choosy and largely do whatever they want! Amazing trainers! I just loved it, and the parrots are stunningly lovely as well. I want to hug them all, but they would probably find me boring. Hahaha
Great show
Posted by Julie Anderson on Jan 19, 2022
My heart melt watching every performances, they we're all so cute and fluffy, makes me remember my little cutie fluffy baby. Witty performances, I love it.
A Show to Rewatch
Posted by Khloe Lewis on Jan 8, 2022
I've never seen a better performance than this one. This is unique and really challenging to accomplish. The costumes are really shiny and vibrant, which is good for pets. I would see this show again!!! 
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